The logo is a Logo... What’s the difference between $10 one and $200 one?

In today’s era, brand logos are highly underestimated. Businesses often ignore the worth of a professional logo for the success of their brand. Why hire the professional Logo Design Company when you can get the same job done by online logo makers or an amateur freelance designer? 

Have you ever given it a thought that thousands and millions would have been saved if brands started hiring elementary tools or learning designers to get their logo designed? The thing that is assured here is they wouldn’t have got what they have now.  

What Cheap Logo Designs can do to your business?  

Often cheap logo designs have standard-issue fonts and mundane designs that fail to capture the eyes of the public. Attention is the sole reason why businesses have logos designed for their business, am I right or am I right? 

Cheap or unprofessional logos are not able to touch the benchmarks of what a good logo is? I.e. memorable, thoughtful, innovative, conceptive, and scalable.  

Let’s look at the importance of professional logo designing with these examples… 


Every business needs a logo to stand out from the crowd and once done right that design could become a symbol of quality or a status symbol. Remember “the swoosh” on a sports clothing brand?   

Whenever you acquire a logo for your company ask yourself these questions….

  • Is your logo able to create a difference or is standard? 
  • Is your logo effective without bright colors? 
  • Are these scalable? 
  • Do they create brand recognition? 
  • Is the logo justifiable with the quality of your products or services? 
  • Think with the mind of your target audience - are you able to relate with them? 
  • Will your target audience find you credible? 

Quality and Professional Logo Designs

All the major brands are subtle to the eyes but influential to the brain…

As per the news, Pepsico paid $1,000,000 for their current logo. Big brands pay shedloads to their logo designing agencies to get that best one design that will talk to the world about their services.


Some other examples being: 

These are some professionally designed logos of worldwide renowned brands. 

Why are these logos worth millions of dollars? 

These logos are a result of the long process that includes, research, time, innovation, insights, sketching and conceptualizing, prototyping, and the final selection therefore these are worth $5 or $10. 

Brand logo designing is more than an art it’s a thorough process of pursuing your brand’s identity and legacy. 

These have spent shedloads in getting their logo designed but you can get your professional logos designed at modest rates. 

How much you need to spend to get a good quality logo? 

The cost might range in-between $100 to $1,000 and above depending on the requirements of the company. 

A professional logo is the best bet here, but how much do you need to invest? This question has quite a hype… In response, I would say that the cost of a professional logo varies based on the nature, goals and requirements of the company. Not to forget the logo design company you choose has a major impact on your end product. 

Stuck between logo quality and expenses? India owns some gems under the name of logo design companies that make exclusive logos for domestic as well as international brands at modest rates.   

If you are searching for the best logo design company in India, Vervelogic has some insightful minds and perfect hands working on logos. Get in touch with us and discuss your requirements.